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Details of recent events`at which John has spoken in 2020 and links to additional materials are below:

Events at which John spoke in 2020






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ICAEW seminar - Covid 19 and real estate investment management

22nd June

John spoke on this webinar, which was part of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Endland and Wales Construction & Real Estate Community programme. ICAEW members can download it from the community pages on the website here. There will be a follow up event on 16th February 2021 (details shortly).



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AREF AIFMD Consultation

16th December

John chaired this discussion. Details here.


SPS Virtual: Property, Infrastructure & Real Asset Investment Strategies for Pension Funds

8th October, 2020

John chaired a panel on real estate.


Investment Property Forum: "Open ended real estate funds under the spotlight".

15th September

John chaired this webinar. 


London Stock Exchange Investment Fund Conference 2020

4th September

John spoke on this webinar. You can find the recording here.


AREF Webinar: Member Discussion on Industry Consultation ‘ESA’s ESG Disclosure'

16th July

John spoke on this webinar. A recording and slides are here.


Institute and Faculty of Actuaries webinar - Challenge of including illiquids in DC Pensions

9th July

John spoke on this webinar. John has written up his comments as a paper, which you can fund here.








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