Tel: 0207 237 0374
Over the last year, our ongoing project work has been heavily focussed on open-ended and semi open-ended funds, with subscription / redemption pricing and liquidity management being key topics for both retail and institutional funds.
We have also been undertaking more operational and controls work for fund managers and from the beginning of June formally became an Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICEAW) member firm which will allow us to undertake more work in this area.
Our newsletter
Based on your feedback, you continue to enjoy our newsletter, particulalry the historical trivia.
John & Helen
During lockdown, we included a "history of alcohol" series in the historical trivia, covering gin, rum, vodka, calvados and whisky, hopefully providing some light relief from the official content of regulation, reporting, tax and operational matters for real estate fund managers. Since 2016, Brexit has also featured heavily.
If you are not yet on the distribution list, you can register here and you can find previous issues here.
Our regular monthly "property cycle" rides into the North Downs continued until lockdown. Our final ride, which turned out to be John's last day in London, was Friday 13th March. As MIPIM and the Cycle to MIPIM had been cancelled, to help the riders come to terms with this, the ride ended at a slightly down-at-heal French cafe in Crystal Palace to drink dodgy vin rosé, to
recreate the Croisette experience.
We hope that the rides will recommence in the Autumn. If you are a cyclist, please let us know if you want to be added to the mailing list.
Thank you
Thank you to the clients, contacts, conference organisers, press, trade organisations and everyone else who has supported us over the year. Without you, none of this would be possible. We hope that the world will have returned sufficiently to normal by the end of the year that we will be able to see you all at the usual round of Christmas drinks.