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Details of recent events`at which John has spoken in 2023 and links to additional materials are below:

Lessons from Financial Calamities:
Navigating Real Estate Investment in a Volatile World
1st November

John was interviewed in this webinar organised by Farley Cove. You can find. You can find the recording here.


ULI annual UK REIT seminar
13th S
eptember 2023

John o
rganised this seminar, which is part of the ULI UK capital markets programme


Association of Real Estate Funds webinar: Pension schemes, life insurers and illiquid assets
5th July 2023

John spoke on this webinar regarding the regulatory framework. You can find the recording here and John’s annotated slides here.


ULI Capital Markets Forum
27th June 2023


John presented the conclusions from a roundtable in May, which you can find herefollowed by a panel discussion.


IPE Real Estate Global Conference and Awards
16th May 2023

John attended this conference and awards dinner, for which he was a judge for the awards. Congratulations to all the winners, in particular Ivanhoe Cambridge who garnered a sackful. You can find details of the winners here.


AREF Committee Day
10th May 2023

John presented on DC pension changes and the role that AREF has played in lobbying on this. You can find the slides here.




ULI UK funds symposium
27th April 2023

John helped to organise this event, which is an annual real estate private equity funds panel discussion on the state of the investment and capital raising market. 
Our thanks to the panellists:

  • Jennifer Walmsley, Partner, Dentons (Moderator)

  • Allen Chilten, Head of Fund, Capital Markets, Patrizia;

  • Stoian Nedelchev, Director, Eastdil Secured Ltd;

  • Kieran Farrelly Schroders Capital

  • Patricia Bandeira Vieira, Director, KKR


ICAEW Webinar
ESG Reporting Update for Real Estate: One year on
20th April 2023

John spoke on this webinar for ICAEW members on ESG for real estate investment. The other speakers were:

  • Ros Rowe, Subject Matter Expert, ICAEW Construction & Real Estate

  • Anne Johnstone, Founder & Director, Fair Futures Partnership

  • Sam Carson, Head of Sustainability, CBRE, Valuations Advisory

You can find the recording here.


RICS UK Valuation Conference 2023
Tuesday 21st February 2023


This year, the programme focussed on the economic and sustainability concerns that impact all sectors of valuation. John was a panelist in a session in the afternoon looking at ESG impacts on real estate investment.



You can find details of 2022 events here.

Tel: 0207 237 0374

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Events at which John has spoken in 2023

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