Older News Stories
...UK Autumn Statement 2014...
...Investing into the Future...
...End of the AIFMD transition period...
......Press coverage of John's comments on the EU Parliament vote on Solvency II......
.....John's articles on real estate funds governance......
.......Press coverage of John's comments on the EU trilogue agreement on Solvency II....
....John Forbes elected as an Eminent Fellow of the RICS.......
.....John Forbes mentioned in Planet Property......
.......Press coverage in South China Morning Post about long term prospects for Turkey.....
.....John Forbes quoted in Estates Gazette Focus Finance.....
.......Press coverage and articles on "Tipping Point".....
.......Press coverage of John Forbes leaving PwC to set up John Forbes Consulting LLP.......
........John included in Estates Gazette "2017: the shape of things to come"....
......John appointed to undertake revew of RE funds by AREF....
........Capita / Property Week Think Tank......
.......John quoted on open-ended funds....
.......John quoted in the Evening Standard on the BHS pension fund.....
.......Articles on crackdown on money laundering.....
......John Forbes column in Property EU on fund conversions....
....John Forbes appointed to advisory board for Impax....
......AIPUT fund extension.......
.......UK Autumn Statement 2014......