Tel: 0207 237 0374
Details of recent events`at which John has spoken in 2014 and links to additional materials are below:
Events at which John spoke in 2014
British Property Federation Regulatory Committee
John spoke about real estate fund strcturing
IIR & IBC Events Private Equity Real Estate Forum
John spoke about regulation for real estate
AREF/IPF seminar: "unlisted funds - lessons from the crisis revisited".
John presented findings of the original 2012 report for AREF, "Unlisted funds, lessons from the crisis"
Investor Forum
18th June
John was a panelist in a discussion on the impact for real estate funds of the changing pension environment (invitation only). Materials here.
PERE European Summit 2014
John was a panelist in the session, "Battle of the Jurisdictions" on day 1.. Details of the conference are here.